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SQL JOIN 2 Tables

Here we are going to Join 2 Tables and Retrieve the data. There are two Tables "ProductDeliveryTBL" and "Product", these two tables will be joined using the Inner Join Clause.

Below is shown the "ProductDeliveryTBL" table:

CustomerName ProductID DateOfDelivery DeliveryStatus
Aria Cruz Prd003 3/21/2011 12:00:00 AM NotDelivered
Elizabeth Brown Prd002 9/23/2011 12:00:00 AM Delivered
Maria Larsson Prd005 9/12/2010 12:00:00 AM NotDelivered
Martín Sommer Prd001 7/27/2009 12:00:00 AM Delivered
Peter Franken Prd002 9/3/2010 12:00:00 AM Delivered
Thomas Hardy Prd005 6/13/2009 12:00:00 AM Delivered
Yang Wang Prd005 8/21/2011 12:00:00 AM Delivered

Below is shown the "Product" table:

ProductID ProductDesc StockQuantity ProductPrice
Prd001 DVD Player 23 85.50
Prd002 Mobile Phone 45 70.33
Prd003 Laptop 15 250.45
Prd004 Watch 42 33.45
Prd005 Camera 34 95.75

In the table named "ProductDeliveryTBL" , Column ProductID is the Foreign Key.
In the table named "Product" table, Column ProductID is the Primary Key.

The data about ProductDesc and ProductPrice is not available in "ProductDeliveryTBL" table. It is available in the "Product" table.

To get the Product Delivery data along with ProductDesc and ProductPrice using the SQL, we have to use the column "ProductID", which is a common column in both the tables. Need to use this column "ProductID" to do Inner Join between the tables "ProductDeliveryTBL" and "Product".

The following SQL query acheives the above said task.

Text Editor below has the SQL Query, click the "View Result" button, to see the result.

Select ProductDeliveryTBL.CustomerName, ProductDeliveryTBL.ProductID, Product.ProductDesc, Product.ProductPrice, ProductDeliveryTBL.DeliveryStatus
From ProductDeliveryTBL
Inner Join Product on Product.ProductID = ProductDeliveryTBL.ProductID
Note: For every ProductID in the ProductDeliveryTBL, the correct ProductDesc and ProductPrice is retrieved.

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