Learn From - Interactive SQL

SQL to Find DUPLICATE Records.

SQL to find DUPLICATE records in the database table.

Below is shown the "PhoneInfo" table:

PersonName Phone
Thomas Hardy 171-555-7434
Christina Berglund 171-555-3453
Hari Kumar 171-555-1717
Peter Franken 089-087-7310
Thomas Hardy 171-555-7434
Ann Devon 069-534-6421
Hari Kumar 171-555-1717

SQL to Find DUPLICATE Records

SQL Query to retrieve all the Duplicate Records from the "PhoneInfo" Table.

Text Editor below has the SQL Query, click the "View Result" button, to see the result.

Select Ph.PersonName, Ph.Phone
From PhoneInfo Ph
Where Ph.PersonName IN
(Select PersonName from PhoneInfo
GROUP BY PersonName
HAVING COUNT(PersonName) > 1)
ORDER BY Ph.PersonName;

Note: SQL SUBQUERY returns the names of the persons repeated in the PersonName column. Using this the main query brings out all the records repeated which has that name.

SQL to Find Records that are not repeated

SQL Query to Retrieve all the Records from the "PhoneInfo" Table, that are not repeated.

Select Ph.PersonName, Ph.Phone
From PhoneInfo Ph
Where Ph.PersonName NOT IN
(Select PersonName from PhoneInfo
GROUP BY PersonName
HAVING COUNT(PersonName) > 1)
ORDER BY Ph.PersonName;

Note: SQL SUBQUERY returns all the duplicate records containing the names of the persons repeated in the PersonName column. Using the NOT IN keyword in the where clause retrieves unique records.

SQL in Text Editor: