SQL Tutorial - NullIf Function

NullIf function is a SQL Server function. It returns a null value when two expressions are equal.

The NullIf Function

The 'NullIf' function consists of two parameters. If the first parameter is equal to the second parameter's value then a null value is returned. If it is not equal, then the first expression's value is returned. It acts in a manner that is opposite to that of the IsNull function. The expressions can be constants, column names, functions, subqueries or any combination of arithmetic, bitwise, and string operators. The most common use of NULLIF is to prevent runtime errors such as division by zero.

NullIf Syntax

NULLIF (expression1 , expression2)

NullIf example

SELECT 70/ NULLIF(Col1 + Col2, 0) AS Value

In the above example, lets say we have an arithmetic function wherein we have a difference function in the denominator. The query below will fail if values being supplied to (Col1 + Col2) equal to zero. So in this case the denominator's value will be changed to NULL if it was 0. This will change the result of the entire calculation to NULL instead of causing a runtime error. Now if we use a Is Null function to enclose this whole function and use the second value of the IsNull function as zero, we will get a zero value here.