SQL Tutorial - AND Operator

It is assumed that you have gone through the previous tutorials and have a basic understanding of it.  It is also assumed that you have practised on the previous examples shown so that you have grasped the syntax notations so that writing simple queries is possible by yourself.

Here the 'AND' operator is executed on the 'Employees', 'Department' and 'Designation' tables.

The AND operator

The 'AND" operator acts as a conjunction to a multiple set of conditions. It displays a resultset only if all the conditions are true. The AND operator can be used n number of times. It is used in the WHERE clause.

SQL WHERE Syntax in Select, Update and Delete Statements

Select column_name FROM table_name where condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3....

Update table_name set (column_name1 =value1,Column_name2=value2,Column_name3=value3) where condition1 AND Condition2 AND condition3....

Delete FROM table_name where condition1 AND condition2 And Condition3....

The SELECT Statement Example with AND operator

DesignationId Designation
3 Program Manager
4 Project Lead
5 System Analyst
6 Senior Software Engineer
7 Test Manager
8 Software Engineer
9 Trainee Engineer
10 Test Engineer

The above table displays all the records present in the 'Designation' table.

The below table displays all the details of the employees present in the 'EMPLOYEES' table.

EmployeeID EmployeeName DateOfBirth DesignationID DeptID City
1 Richard Hughes 4/23/1945 12:00:00 AM 1 1 New Orleans
2 Taryn Sinclair 3/22/1980 12:00:00 AM 2 2 San Francisco
3 Ted Horowitz 3/31/1960 12:00:00 AM 3 4 New York
4 Jonathan Douglas 7/7/1971 12:00:00 AM 3 4 Salt Lake City
5 Miranda Leigh 7/19/1983 12:00:00 AM 7 3 New York

The Select statement on the 'Employees' table below displays all the employees who are in 'Development' department and is 'CTO' as shown below. Since there is only one record that satisfies all the given conditions, it pulls only that up.

Select a.EmployeeName,b.Designation ,a.City
from Employees a, Designation b
where a.DesignationID=b.DesignationId
AND b.Designation='CTO'
AND a.City='San Francisco'

EmployeeName Designation City
Taryn Sinclair CTO San Francisco

The SELECT statement example with OR operator

The 'OR" operator acts as a conjunction to a multiple set of conditions. It displays a resultset when any of the conditions are satisfied. The OR operator can be used n number of times. It is used in the WHERE clause.

Select EmployeeName,City
from Employees
where city='New Orleans'
OR City='New York'

EmployeeID EmployeeName City
1 Richard Hughes New Orleans
3 Ted Horowitz New York
5 Miranda Leigh New York